Thursday, February 7, 2008

maD mOneY

aku g tengok citer mad money sebelum balik uma 4cuti CNY. citer tu best jugakla, kire x rugi kalo tengok n x rugi jugak kalo x tengok. tp katie hOLmes dalam tu, sangat cOMeL, ok. memule aku rasa cam tipu je cerite tu. maklumla, since diorang berlakon je kan, tp pastu aku read from d internet that mad money movie was based on a true story. 3 women, working in the national bank, and took old money yg suppose to be destroyed for 3 years. get caught but freed. an interesting story to watch. enjoy.


Redbloodsnow said...

lame aku x jengah blogs ko..hehehe

eh gg
besh ker citer neh
mcm besh jek...

Gg said...

em, like i said, xrugi kalo xtgk, n xrugi jgan kalo tgk. depends.but siyesly, katie hoLmes is damn cute!!