Friday, December 28, 2012

2011 - sweeties WEDDING bells

Yup. Sweet moments of my sweeties.
Early 2011 (March if i'm not mistaken), AZU got engaged with her long term bf Syed.
Sayangnye me & kilin arrived late, so datang and terus makan je. Hehe.

tak banyak amek gambar coz majlis dah habes :(

Next:: (May) AKILIN's engagement with her long term bf jugak, Fir. At this very moment, i am feeling so happy-over-the-rainbow because not only my besties got engaged, but because i also found someONE


majlis grand weh. kalo nikah terus pun lulus. heheh.

Then, a few days after raya (September) , my sayang IZZA got married pulak!! so-so happy jugak because she found someone who really not only love her but care her deeply. We (zatil and me) approved him (his name is iim) right after we had our first date. Oops. silap, it's when we first met him and had a drink. hehehehe.

SINGLE (masa tu) - MARRIED - TAKEN (like officially.hehe)

Finally, one day before my engagement day, AZU pulak got married. Her wedding day is the same day as my engagement day, so i came one day earlier on her solemnization. 

to be engage - married - engaged

and on the 27th November 2011

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My first Nasi Lemak~

presenting Gg's first home made Nasi Lemak (sambal bilis termasin sikit)

I know. I know. It's past afternoon. Tapi nak post jugak pasal my breakfast. NASI LEMAK KOPI O.
Assalamualaikum smua. Pagi tadi aku telah menyediakan nasi lemak simple versi Gg dengan gigih, rajin dan tekun! hehehehe. Memandangkan masak untuk 2 orang kan,, sangatlah sonang dan copek (cepat). Pergh. Magik tu bila AKU sendiri yang cakap SENANG...hahahaha.

Sumpah aku tak pernah masak nasi lemak. Did i tell u?? Aku baru mula merajinkan diriku memasak semenjak sebulan yang lalu. Why?
Sebab pertama : tinggal bersama sang suami.
Sebab kedua: cuti sekolah.
Sebab ketiga: just because. hehe.

Walaupun aku tau SEMUA orang tau nak masak nasi lemak, (cuma aku sorang je ketinggalan zaman). Aku tetap NAK LETAK resipi jugak kat sini. Nasib baik blog sendiri and bukan blog orang lain, kan? hehehe. Mengapa aku beria-ria nak masak nasi lemak ni?? sebab nasi lemak ciput yang mahal giler kat Kampung Subang ni. Kalau masak sendiri, bolehla makan puas2 kan??? har har har. Lagi satu, sbb timun ada balance lg sparuh lepas mkn sandwich sardin semalam.

NASI LEMAK SIMPLE BY GG (untuk 2 orang)

beras secukupnya
santan (separuh kotak) + air
::nasi dimasak seperti biasa cuma ditambah santan, sedikit halia potong

garam dan dua helai daun pandan::
::ketika di masak, mestilah dikacau sekali sekala::

::sukati nak goreng dadar ke, mata kerbau ke, or rebus je::

ikan bilis semangkuk kecik
::pun sukati nak goreng dulu atau tidak::

kacang goreng
::aku letak jugak dalam resipi aku walaupun aku tak buat sebab malas nak beli kacang segenggam::

sambal ikan bilis
bawang merah sebiji
bawang putih dua ulas
cili giling

::tumis semua bahan dan masukkan ikan bilis::
::jgn lupa garam dan gula secukup rasa::
(my sambal adalah terlebih garam ye.. tu yang masin terangkat tak hengat)

dan wallahhh~~ nasi lemak simple by Gg

ooppss..and jgn lupa timun potong.

ok, buat masa ini, itu sahaja. saya minta diri dulu ye, nak adjust sambal sikit.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gg, kembalilah rajin!

Hehehehehe. Assalamualaikum semua. Bila aku tgk balik blog aku, 2010 cuma ada 3 post. Tahun lepas, 2011, pun cuma ada 3 post. Tahun ini, 2012, pun dah ada 3 post jugak. Ini tak boleh jadi! Aku mesti tambah entri aku untuk tahun ini yang bersaki baki beberapa hari aje ni. ^_^ Banyak cerita yang tertinggal, yang nak aku kongsikan dengan blog kesayanganku ini. Cerita tentang tempat kerjaku...(emm, kurang menarik) Cerita tentang kisah cintaku, tentang pertunanganku, perkahwinanku...dan juga kisahku seorang isteri yang baru nak belajar memasak. Hehehe. Apa pun..akan aku hapdet semua cerita2 tu di sini. Tak kira. Gg, kena berusaha! Here's a picture of me n my husband last Hari Raya.

first raya as husband & wife

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kari Ayam Mudah Gg

Typed on: 18th Dec 2012

Yup. I know. I update my blog backwards. Nasib la labu...hihi.. Here's what I cook for the day! Kari Ayam Yum Yum. Resipi adalah diambil dari blog izza dan diolah sendiri oleh Chef Gg. keh keh keh. Apa yang aku olah adalah.....santan yang terlebih sudah...hahaha. Terberlemak laaa kari hakuuu...hihi. Ape pun, terima kasih sang suami kerana sudi menyokong niat suci murni isterimu ini yang baru belajar memasak. Sambal tempoyak itu pula adalah kewajipan sang suami sepanjang cuti semenjak mendapat bekalan tempoyak dari kampung. ^_^

my very own and first kari ayam terlebih santan-hahaha
p/s: agak2 perlu tak aku letak resepi kat sini??

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cabaran dan Dugaan

Hampanya hati ini bila mengetahui bahawasanya permohonan perpindahan aku tak diluluskan. Hanya Allah yang tahu betapa remuk dan hancurnya perasaan aku bila aku dapat berita ini... Ya Allah, seandainya ini ketentuanmu, aku akan belajar untuk menerimanya dengan redha. Aku yakin, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.. 

Baru-baru ini, perasaanku terguris sekali lagi apabila mendengar berita gembira keluarga. Di saat aku kecewa kerana aku masih tidak mendapat tempat disisi suamiku serta mengurangkan kemungkinan untuk aku membina keluarga secepat yang mungkin...aku mendapat berita yang sama untuk kali kedua. Namun aku gembira buat mereka. Mungkin Allah tahu, aku masih belum bersedia selagi aku tidak berada bersama suamiku. 

Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi hari yang mendatang. Tetapkanlah hatiku ini dengan niat hanya untukMu. Sesungguhnya aku adalah hamba yang selalu alpa dengan tujuanku di dunia yang fana ini. 


Monday, October 22, 2012

Alhamdulillah, bye bye Jay Bee

Today, aku dapat berita yg sgt membuatkan aku gembira. InsyaAllah aku akan dapat berpindah ke Selangor! Result secara formal mmg masih belum dapat, tp td GPK1, Kak Jannah telah pun mengesahkan perpindahan  aku. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. No words can describe my happiness. I already cried. Well, honestly, i don't have anyone to help me with my transfer. Even my guru data said that my gb did not actually sokong my transfer request. Sampai hati dia. She's going to retire end of this year anyway. Why not do us a favor, kan? Ape pun, i'm thankful that i will be transferred. I'm sure it is a good thing for Allah knows the best right? 

Somebody once said to me that my rezeki is not always at one place. That is why I always pindah randah. I mean, I have a 4 different sekolah rendah. Two different sekolah menengah. Magically I stayed for 5 and a half years in IPBA. but before that, i went to Matric UIA for a month. sempat lagi tu. I cannot say where my kampung halaman is. I was born in Banting. Raised in Banting, KL, Gopeng and Banting again. Right now, my parents kat Gopeng sekali lagi. I guess it's true that person says about me.

Sedih rasanya seeing my dusty blog ni. Geram pun ada. Sebab I started neglecting my blog once I posted here in JB. This place took away all of my favorites. My time for blog, for books. I can't even finish reading one book while I'm here. I can't even post a single entry that contains my activities. But my calender is actually full with activities. My life is a lot fuller here, cuma I do not have time to capture and write about it. i do feel regret. Semua event, smua kisah suka, duka, smua yang aku involved di SK Sri Tebrau, aku langsung tak simpan dalam blog. Biarlah...aku tak sanggup nak simpulkannya di sini...

Anyway, apa yang paling aku sayang di Jb adalah my greatest company. The best-est people to work with. Those colleagues who makes my life easier, happier and merrier. Terima kasih kawan-kawan. I will miss YOU the most! Those special people are; Kak Masitah (my housemate), Razlina (my roomate-hehe), Afifah (also my roomate), Afendi (a very helpful friend), Iman (a helpful friend too) and Kak Dolly (a very down to earth lady). I consider Kak Ma, Afendi and Iman a close friend of mine because we all posted together back in 2010. There's also a few kakak yang I'm also a fond of..such as Kak Hazaliza, Kak Fadzilah and Kak Jannah.. I never felt hypocrite and I have no problem to be myself whenever I'm around them.

Ape pun, i will always treasure my experience sepanjang 3years I'm in Jb.. The first steps to my teaching journey..all the goods and tips to be a better teacher. The good friend I make.... I'm sure gonna keep them! Thank you Allah. and Bye-bye Johor Bahru.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Solemnization Night

edited a year later: Jan 2013

Story on my solemnization night. It was raining heavily in the evening. I pray hard hoping my wedding day tomorrow will be a bright day. I start my make-up around 6.30. Everything is scheduled on 8. My lovely friends (akilin, zatil & izza) was there with me. Time flies. And the groom is late. it was because most of his family just arrived due to the heavy rain. My dad kept checking on me. and i felt pressured. I cried. Yup. i did. i can't handle the pressure. between the father of mine and the man to be my husband. And there goes the drama by me the drama queen. hehe. Anyway, they all came around 8.30 and everything went smoothly, 
Alhamdulillah. I am officially Mohd Khairul's wife.

our hantarans

two heroes in my life

among the family and friends who attended the ceremony

mereka yang mendoakan


can't contain myself. i am daddy's girl

my pillars

arwah opah also there

his parents then-now's my parents too

thank you Allah

Thursday, March 8, 2012


today is 8th March 2012. this is my third year of working in JB. so many things happened in my life since i'm here. and since that i ignored my beloved blog. i'm engaged. and i'm getting married in one week's time. i wish to write ALL the things that happened to me all this while. but i know, i don't have all the time in the world. no worries, i will still update about it once in a while. till then, please pray for my happiness ya!