Monday, March 3, 2008

eXams n neWs

i've got 2 papers for yesterday n today. aLhamduLILLAH, i think i don't have much problem answering them except for the 1st paper for today which i think sangat ntahahapehape *konsepnya, aku yg x baca buku bbetul*
i'll be having another 2 papers on rabu n khamis ni. wish me Luck, dears!

early this morning, i've got a call from baba, there must b a news since he never called me arly in the mornin. saying dat 1 of my uncle passed away on last sunday. he was at syria by dat time, with his wife. maybe diorang melawat anak diorang yg study sana. my uncle is actually baba's brother in law. there's actually a history about dat uncle n his fam back when me n my family still in perak. n its not a good history tho. baba n mama hurt a Lot at dat time. tho its almost 8 years now, i know dat the hurt is not reaLLy heaLed yet. im very sad to0, back then. but i dont feel a thing now, but i hope that he's given chance to changed. but who we r to judged? let only Him do the judging~


viruspadu said...

all da best for ur xm yer

buat leklok yer

Gg said...

ini la kak VP yang femes itew yer..?hehe
thanx 4 droppin by~
nnt Gg singgah sana, k.

Redbloodsnow said...

seeee!!! told u dah yg u will did GREAT!!! hehhe...esok kan ur next papers...

wish u billion2 of luck ek


ermmz..bout ur uncle tuh
al-fatihah wat die
no matter ape yg terjadi dlm family kte kan..
blood is always thicker than water

berperibahase pulork aku neh dh :P

Gg said...

thanks 4 d wish again, zie!!
yup, bLood is aLways thicker than water,
watever happens pun..