Friday, February 20, 2009

PGL the musical

12 Februari yg lepas, me n most-of my classmate g tgk teater muzikal puteri gunung ledang, kat istana budaya. the teater was fabulous. the 3D effect sgt menjadi, okeh. sgt kaGum. other than that, diorg ada wat mcm unsur magik tau, ktrg surprised giler~~muahahaha
tapi siyes best, biarpun dpt seat atas2 je..biarpun saket tengkuk aku tgk ke bawah..huhu. tapi puas hati betul dgn performance diorg. cuma ada certain lagu dia mcm tak bape nk best melodynya, tapi tak kisoh la~~

awek, qilin, me, zatie, azu

the puteri gunung ledangs~ hihi
tiba2 aku terjumpa my high school frens kat sana~ nuoi and liza
i know, we shud actually take a pic wif the princess tp tak leh resist la nk amek pic wif this guy, hehe.. arent we all look cuTe??!


FarhahNur said...

gg..ehem,kacak la afdlin tue, ko xminta no tipon??hihi

Gg said...

hehe, bkn xnk mntk paah, takut bini dia tgh usha kat mana2 plak.. :D