Monday, March 31, 2008

i admit.

okla kengkawan, i admit that i am addicted to my blog nih. i cant resist myself from updating stuff in here. memandangkan tade topik menarik, so i end up citer my weekend je la ye?
tahan je la korang dengar citer weekend aku nih, ok? *smiLe

izza came by on friday n we went 2 watch 27 dresses
i recommend u all tgk cite tu, sangat menarik~

weekend, aku paksa izza baca novel ayat2 cinta aku..hehehehe
n tada, she LoVes it. kan? kan? i tOLd u sO...
memandangkan our beLoVed fren kat sana dah tengok movie tu...
so, ape kata u send file tu cecepat kat sini..
i want to see it sO baD~~ huwaaaa *menci la sbb zatil dh tgk dulu

ok, ni gamba novel Habiburrahman El-Shirazy koleksi aku.. ada 3 shj.
plus, gamba u know what it is
aku letak gamba 27 dresses karang, baba nampak pulak...hihi

TAPI, aku bakal menambah koleksi lagi..jangan risau..hahahha

*im planning to go to pesta buku this weekend, lalalala

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


readers smua..
for 2 weeks ni,
i'll be having a 'school based experience' kat sek.putri pandan 1
so, i'll be a bit busy n tired *not so bit, but maybe a bit to0 much~
then, i mite not be able to update my blog 4 a while..
sabar ye kawan2.. my assignments pun xsiap g..
jadik..i'll be invisible jer la ye~
haVe a gud day to u aLL!!

weekend yg LaLu

dear frens,
last weekend QiLin, daYa n i went to mid vaLLey *mana lagi nk pegi, kan??
went to buy some art stuff
n bought books to0~ *i like
n jenguk2 kat d gardens sebelah tu..
so here's picture of us duduk kat sofa kat LeVeL bawah d gardens

QiLin n DaYa
*saje je aku amik gamba nyah kt blakang diorang tu..hehe, aww

okeh, not to forget, i sign up as MPH's members so nnt beli buku, bole dpt %off
i bought Jane Eyre, english classic novel which aku dh baca form5 dulu,
tp dulu pinjam kat library nk wat collection plaks..hehe
act, yg wat mahal tu sbb aku bli chronicles of narnia which i wanted so badly dari 2005 lagik..
n at last dpt jugak. Very haPpY!!
picture xleh letak, karang baba nampak dia bising,hehe
*he has found out my blog la kengkawan.. so kene keep it LoW..hahaha

ni pulak bberapa art stuff yg aku beli dr art fren, beside d borders d gardens
bekas tmpt isik kertas lukisan, a small canvas, sponge n sponge roller
tuk bebudak art, sy sarankan kedai ni tuk anda carik bebahan anda ye..
but, standard la, barang bagus, harga mahaL...adeh, sengkek aku..
*ceh, kemain berkira aku pasal barang seni nih.. kalo novel ke, buku citer ke, x bising plak,kan?

last but not least, we all ber3 telah mbeLi buku di atas sbg bhn rujukan ktorg..
harga pun cam agak boleh tahan, so dats y kitorang rasa berbaLoi sangat..
so, that's the end of my story for the weekend.

*time tengah kat midvalley la, baba nak call pun..
baba macam ada instinct whenever i went to sumwhere..
tau2 je baba ni..

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Are You My Mother?

ok, buku yang bawah ni was the version yang aku baca. i bought this book january lepas, RM 19.90 kat Harvest, Sogo.

korang, aku sebenarnya sangat DYING nak bercerita kat korang about all the books yang aku baca. but honestly, aku sangat tak pandai nak mengarang ayat, kalo suh aku bercakap je, it's much easier.
so, sini aku tulis sinopsis kat blakang buku tu je la, okay?
n i will add the ending of the story skalik...

From the age of 19, Emma Victor has had to bring up her much younger sister Stella*9 years old.
it has shaped both their lives.

Stella is nearly grown-up now, and needs Emma differently. Emma's nurturing instincts extend to her work as an aromatherapist, and are a part too of her relationship with the unreliable but irresistible Gavin. But something is missing. Emma has to confront her deepest need - a need she's been denying for years - and embark on the search for her birth mother.
*yes, Emma ni sbenanye anak angkat sahaja. dia n Stella tu kire adik bradik tiri la..

Are You My Mother? takes it's title from a children's book that Emma used to read to Stella, about a baby bird who, finding his mother gone, feels the panic of abandonment. Profoundly moving and emotionally honest, the novel chronicles Emma's search for her birth mother and her own place in the world, while exploring fundamental questions about the nature of mothering, and the ties that bind us.

anyone who's ever felt unsure of they belong will identify with Emma's plight, and her funny, sad journey towards the discovery of her sense of self.

that's the sinopsis of the story, and finally, Emma did not found her mother *her name is Ann* at all, sebab mak dia sebenarnya dah meninggal at the same years mak ayah angkat dia meninggal.
BUT, she did find her father. and her father, is actually her uncle *adik ayah angkat dia. does she has 2 uncles or she has 2 dads?? hehe
and she did felt very comfort at seeing his dad@uncle because he looks exactly like her ayah angkat yang dah meninggal tu, which she missed so much. Ann n ayah betul dia bagi Emma kat orang lain was actually sebab they were so young at that time, they could not afford to have a baby.
they give it to mak ayah Stella sbb mak ayah Stella takde anak.
after 10 years, setelah adopt Emma baru dapat Stella.
tapi, since Emma di adopt oleh mak ayah Stella, Ann ni sangat rindukan Emma sampai dia kene terima rawatan kat hosp. mental.
so, finally Emma felt ease sebab she wasn't unwanted baby actually, it's just the situation that doesn't give chance.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mao's Last Dancer

okay friends, this entry aku nak citer pasal a book that i've read january hari tu. this is a true story about Li Cunxin. honestly, memule aku sungguh x paham, why tajuk dia :: Mao's Last Dancer
eventually baru i understand, cerita ni mengambil setting d China, back when they've been ruled by the communist. and pemerintah masa tu was Mao Zedong. Li Cunxin ni pulak was chosen to study ballet. so, this is the story how he battles his life to fulfill his dream. it's a journey about determination, passion and integrity.
please visit here to know more.

meeting new friends

last rabu izza n me went to meet nemo n fea
well aku nyebok je sbenanye..hahahaha
anyway, i enjoy the meeting,
meeting new friends.

fea, izza, nemo

kitorang makan kat chicken rice shop since ada orang tu nak makan nasik
tapi, in the end dia order mee pulek.. saje la tuh~hehe
smua makan x abes, bajet ala2 pemalu macam 1st date gitu~ keh keh keh
aku sorang je yg makan abes sampai licin..
dah rupe kebulor pulak...adeii

whatever pun, nice meeting u guys!!
since tmpt keje nemo n fea tersangatla dekat dgn tmpt aku,
haruslah kite berjumpe lagi, xgitu~?

to zie pulak, insyaALLAH ada rezeki nnt kte jmpe pulak ye!

missin my gurl over there~
hopes she doin well

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

step up 2

yo, y'all~ yesterday i went to watch a movie wif ma gurL, izza. went to see step up2, ya nOe. dat stOry was sO best! ai laikee~ last time i watch step up yg 1st, that's y i wanted sOo much to watch the seQuel.. and it turn out to be the seQuel pun best jugak.. in ma opinion, yg 2nd ni extra happenin' kot coz it's 'bout group while d 1st one dulu more on the hero n heroine story.
still, i enjoy it!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

my day~

dear frens, aku dah habis mid term pukul3 tadi~ yeeehuuuu
naseb bek exam tadi cam okay, aLhamduLILLAH..
after habis exam, ada pemberian watikah n perlantikan mpp..
yes korang... aku jadi mpp tau~ jadik exco kepimpinan gitu...
so, how do i LoOk?? ada gaya pemimpin tak? hehehe
blazer tu baru je aku beli ahad lepas kat mid.

nseb baik jumpe, kalo tak tpakse aku pkai blazer ipba yg gedabak..

tak sempat nak citer kat korang yang aku masuk bertanding hari tu..
bukan pe, that time busy sangat..*ecececeh
here's my poster for pilihanraya hari tu...

so, since aku dah jadik exco mpp,
means there'll be double work for me,kan?
aku bukan 'gipang'(*ahahahaha) tau, aku cume nak xperience..
karang aku g skola, kalo kene handle macam2,
takde la aku terkontang2, kan?
since nxt week, skola cuti...jadi, haRusLah aku pun cuti..
jangan marah..
that's mean no updates until nxt week okay~
take care everyone
seLamat mengUndi to semua!!
undiLah 213 ya!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

eXams n neWs

i've got 2 papers for yesterday n today. aLhamduLILLAH, i think i don't have much problem answering them except for the 1st paper for today which i think sangat ntahahapehape *konsepnya, aku yg x baca buku bbetul*
i'll be having another 2 papers on rabu n khamis ni. wish me Luck, dears!

early this morning, i've got a call from baba, there must b a news since he never called me arly in the mornin. saying dat 1 of my uncle passed away on last sunday. he was at syria by dat time, with his wife. maybe diorang melawat anak diorang yg study sana. my uncle is actually baba's brother in law. there's actually a history about dat uncle n his fam back when me n my family still in perak. n its not a good history tho. baba n mama hurt a Lot at dat time. tho its almost 8 years now, i know dat the hurt is not reaLLy heaLed yet. im very sad to0, back then. but i dont feel a thing now, but i hope that he's given chance to changed. but who we r to judged? let only Him do the judging~