Thursday, November 25, 2010


Baba ada di IJN. Tomorrow, pkul 10pagi, baba akan di 'angiogram' kan. Its a medical imaging to visualize the inside of the blood vessel. Prosedur ni adalah perlu untuk melihat status saluran darah seseorang. To check, dah tersumbat sikit ke, banyak ke..and whether perlu atau tidak dijalankan bypass surgery. 3 years back on 20o7, baba dah buat angiogram ni. Tapi dulu doktor cuma letak stent je. Tapi letak stent JE pun, ada TIGA stent. Basically, stent ni macam a tube put in your blood vessel to hold or open the passage. Whatever it is, angiogram ni dilakukan either through your veins kat pergelangan tangan tu, or, saluran darah di pangkal peha. From wherever it is, i just hope ALLAH minimize the pain or make it painless as possible. I just couldn't imagine the agony. T_T Please, please, please pray for the wellness of my dad, ya. bismillahitawakkaltu'alallah. *all the medical definition stated is only based on my ordinary thinking understanding sahaja ya..

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