Wednesday, June 24, 2009

mY mODeL

saLam all.
ive been drafting this post like forever~~
now only hv d chance to post it.
here's my assignment or project for last sem.
building an indoor model.
kununnya nk tgk the interior decoration la..
anyway, here's some pictures throughout the process.

back: the lantai of the bilik.. insert pic: cutting the sponge to make the mattress

the katil

the almari

other furnitures

belum ada dinding lagi nih..kira rough plan

dah ada dinding..ada gambar lagi you...

meja study yg ada laptop VAiO tu..haha

pandangan dr atas. yg merah ni meja solek sbenanye..


ai tak ingat la sape punye ni..sila claim acknowledgement k? hehe

ni Azu punye ruang tamu

pandangan satu sudut model ruang tamu by my roomate

dari atas

this leisure spot was done by my now partner in practicum, Liyana

Aishah's modeL.. rasanya la..kalu salah, sila bgtau ye.

one of my fav's: Atiah's *cool,huh??

by the newlyweds Hidayah. a girl's bedroom

rasa cam nk lompat2 atas katil dia tau...

by our former class rep: Izzatie

Ain's : a truly unique design, there's a lampu kt blkg katil yg boleh dpasang sbenanye

Asyikin ARA's

last but not least, Syieda's bedroom. *do i see a pair of earrings there??

Well, that's sedikit sebanyak model done by my classmate. at this point, i suddenly realise that the model might b our last project before we become teachers..

Monday, June 8, 2009

Trip & Food

I did mention that i went to Pendang, Kedah rite? if im not mistaken, it's the 3rd time we've been there in 5year's time. i've always love the scenery at the back of the house.

here, have a look. calming kan?? *sori, pic gelap sket*

In the morning, we all bought breakfast kat pekan Pendang. and there's a kuih yang sangat JARANG ditemui nowadays. i always have this kuih when i was little, made by Nenek Atun, my nenek sedara (a javanese). i was looked after by my nenek on my mum's side masa kecik2 dOLu. so we used to go to Nenek Atun's house on weekend sbb dia buat jualan kuih at the pasar minggu. there will be plenty of different kuih. but i always Love this particular kuih which i dont know its name (actually ive asked my mum baru2 ni, but forgot, maybe sbb nama dia too javanese, hehehe). Unfortunately, Nenek Atun died when i was about 6-7 yrs old. and i haven't taste that kuih ever since nor did i jumpa any of it kat mana2 pun. i asked my mum about the kuih when i was in high school and she said, it was a tradisional kuih and only a few people knew how to make it. even my mum don't know how. i felt such a waste. knowing that such a tasty traditional kuih might be extinct somehow or rather. Until i went to Pendang early 2008 where i jumpe this kuih again! i am thrilled giLe. eventhough the kuih in my memory is much much more whiter but it is sweet and tasty still. so i guess, next time around, i need to learn how to make this favourite kuih of mine because its a traditional Javanese kuih and as i am a Javanese, then i need to do so. plus, i will be able to have it whenever i like then. heee ^_^

The Kuih Jawa

macam ala2 topi org mexico kan.

kasi close-up sket; it taste manis, u know.

In the end of 2008, when my family and i went to Indonesia, i jumpe pulak kuih which looks alike as the Kuih Jawa. Tang topi mexico tu yang buat aku teringat..hehehe. the taste is sweet jugak but much more nipis and crunchy. it must use different techniques but with the same ingredients, kan??

OkAY, kite pegi ke makanan seterusnya pulak. hehehe. i dont plan to publish an entry pasal food actually. i was suppose to cerita pasal my holiday tu, but what to do, we happen to experience makanan baru when we go on a trip. betul tak? so, next makanan ni taklah special mana pun. but since aku jarang jumpa, n my family pun jarang masak gini, so aku nk share jgk.

Cendawan @ Kulat Goreng

people here call cendawan as kulat also. looks delicious kan.

okay, 1st, find fresh kulat n rinse it

then salut ia dgn tepung serbaguna adabi

Lastly, fried secukup rasa. Picture pun ala2 ada efect gitu..

Not to forget, i would like to wish congratulations to all my friends yang kahwin time cuti ni. Tahniah to Hidayah (college fren), Ido (samttar high skul fren), Hasni (college n taayah high skul fren), Afifah and Faizatul Anis (taayah high skul fren). Semoga uols berbahagia dan dimurahkan rezeki. I am so very sorry coz i couldn't attend to the weddings. I wish u guys Selamat Pegantin Baru!! The congratulations also goes to all my frens yg bertunang, yang melahirkan baby, dan yang telah pun kahwin sblm2 ni, which i couldn't attend. May Allah bless uols k.
haih, bila turn aku nnt, ada ke yg nk attend ni.. errr

Friday, June 5, 2009



heLLo to aLL

im updating from Gopeng, my 'new' *though i pernah live here* rumah

early this week, my family n i went to Pendang, Kedah.

we went to a family's friend house.

after that, back here, we have to kemas2 the house~~

cant wait to move back here..

i dont know why.. but at the same time, im missing Banting life too..

2 weeks after this holiday, i'll be going to school.

then, finishing the studies and courses.

and at the end of the year, i'll be waiting for result.

result, where i will be posted, teaching next year.

im excited for it, and anxious as well..

anyway, for the time being...

im just gonna enjoy my hoLidaY.

enjoying my family's company and the great books around me.
