Sunday, May 10, 2009

a heaLing process

so many things going on since i came back from a weekend at Langkawi.

yes, i shud post the pictures here, tapi pics sume tak transfer lagi. nanti2 ek.

on saturday 2nd Mei, my auntie *Mak Dah* my dad's sister passed away.

she's suffering from cancer for quite some time. but she's a fighter.

she remain strong until the very last moment.

i hope she will be placed beside all the good people.

oh, how she used to asked me to lose my weight~

now, i really should. cause there'll be nobody to tell me to do so.

then i shud be the one. Gg, u shud lose some weight.

u shud only reduce the amount of ur rice in every meal je.. *kan?kan?*

actually, last week was the dateline for all of my assignments.

okay, all of them are on the way masa tu, really. except for one.

and suddenly, hari rabu tu, i was sicked. really sicked.

i got fever + cough + flu + headache = all at the same time.

yes. i was so menyesal masa tu. y do i always procrastinating??

i was sicked sampai dapat mc dua hari pulak tu.

i managed to siapkan the assignments on Friday tu. kecuali yg 1.

dah halfway dah, cuma tak larat nk siapkan je.

i was so homesick. *time2 sakit la baru nk balik rumah, ek...*

so, im home for the weekend.

Saturday morning, i felt fresh gilerr. my mum masa nasik buat sarapan terus.

since dah 2 hari i cant even swallow nasik, so yesterday aku makan dgn sgt berselera.

malangnya, thari smlm jugak, suddenly i got headache, n i throw up e'thing.

my stomach sgt sakit. i throw up almost 8-9 times until perut aku kosong,song.

even i drink air putih pun keluar jgk. n i was very thirsty.

mama got very worried, ptg tu jgk g klinik n i received an injection.

aLhamduLiLLah, i got better today. kalo tak, doktor tu suh cek darah lagi..

n tomorrow im handing my final assignments. hopefully my final for this year..


hence, i want to wish to my mum, a VERY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

selamat hari ibu, MAMA~~i owe u so much, that i know i couldnt repay u back.

dear ALLAH, plz LOVE my MUM as much as she LOVE me,

cause her LOVE is such a neverending stream..


okay la people. i hope, uols smua take care diri k. skang ni musim sakit je. my roomate pun dah jangkit my fever. doktor pesan, everyday drink a LOT of water. and dont skip any meal eventhough u tak lalu macam mane pun. makan buat alas perut ok?? and again, ALOT of water, ya!! tata~


FarhahNur said...

kami pun sakit di sini..
keshiannya dia..
takpe2..get well soon ek..
to both of us
takziah atas kepergian Mak Dah.
semoga Mak Dah tenang dalam persemadian.amin.

Anonymous said...

owh.. takziah...
wah... gg mmg rajin berjalan ek? hehe