Friday, December 28, 2007

gudbYe 2o07

last week i went to kedah n perLis. there's sum famiLy things to soLve. id rather not taLk about it since many things happen there. last two days, a fren of mine died. we went to primary skul together. just a bit hurt coz i never got a chance to visit him. i shud b visiting him last raya aidilfitri but x de rezeki. innalillah~

::the year is aLmost gOne, the path was Long but we haVe waLked with Lots Of hOpe, which is what Life's aLL abOut. there were tears & fears, but there were aLso reasOns fOr jOy & cheers::
2oO8 >> i tink i reaLLy shud put eXtra effOrt in eVerything i dO. to be a LoyaL serVant, a GoOd daughter and i probabLy shud impoVe myseLf, change a bit here n there. till then!!
cya nxt year~

1 comment:

Redbloodsnow said...

hapie new year, lalinkkkk
al fatihah for ur fren...

aku harap ko nyer resolution taun baru neh berjaya ko achive
