Friday, September 11, 2009

aktiviti berbuka puasa


20 August 2009
4 of us*kilin, azu, fanee n me* went there with syafiQ
syafiq*akilin's fren who turn to be ours too*
we ate at our favourite western restaurant at Kg. Baru


our class was invited by the OUM to a fast breaking ceremony on the 1st September 2009
it was an honor to be invited again by the OUM

we were treated well n were given a beautiful wooden case with dates in it

the VIP guest was our former PM, Pak Lah

three tables was booked for us


yes baby, di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. hehe.
to b more specific, it's in front of Sogo.
it was on 16th September 2009
we went out late in the evening, so we only have a plate of yong tau fu for our fast breaking. before that, we shop for tudung raya at the bazaar.

its not only akilin n me by the way, everybody sat outside the Sogo Mall to have their fast breaking, yes. everybody.

see?? theres people everywhere u know..

believe it..its a sea of peoples..

after that, we ols walked to medan tunku's monorail through the pertama complex, maju junction..while enjoying the early night scenery in KL..

from the monorail, we went to Pavillion to have a proper fast breaking

before heading back, we stopped at KLCC while enjoying munching the mouth watering JCo donuts..yummy.

last but not least, stop by at the scud stall outside our hostel to order food for our sahur
anyway, if u notice, we took pictures with the KL landmarks, u know.. ^_^

Friday, September 4, 2009

My FiNaL PrakTikuM


tahun praktikum aku yg ke3 dan terakhir.
alhamdulillah observation berjalan lancar.
hot news for me n my friend;
instead of kita posting on january 2010,
we'll be post this coming december.
so, be prepared! ^_^
here's some photos to share..

my guru pembimbing on the left: Puan Selamah with my practicum partner: Nurul Liyana

both pictures of me with some of my standard 4 students

trainee teachers: sha n me

trainee teachers: ani n me

bawah ni merupakan keceriaan yg we guru pelatih kene buat...

and here's the clique yg incharge for the discipline room..hehe
Yana, Alia, Gg, Nur

best buddies at the SKPTD 09

!!goOd bYe!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

heLLo there!!

Assalamualaikum and haiii!!!!
meet my new family member,
Husna my cousin!!
aren't she adOabLe??

okay, Husna ni anak bik Temah, my youngest aunt on my mom's side.
Husna was born a day b4 my mom's birthday, last 6 August 09.
*if im not mistaken*

HeLLo y'all!! Husna dah bangun ni~~

kita minum dulu, k? hausla...hehehe

Kak Long *me* : alalala kuchi kuchi kuchi~~~
Husna: tak dapek la nk layan, gua ngantuk neh...

sEe??? kan Husna da ckp td...ngantukk..
belum smpat apa2, dia dh tidur...haishh~~

Oh, patut la Husna tidur nyenyak je... ada geng tidur ek..
*Husna's sleeps with her atuk*

sshhhh~~ kite roger n out dulu k?? *wink*